Author: siamakonline

  • Virtual Persons vs. Corporations: Why AI could be a New Legal Entity

    The concept of legal personhood has long extended beyond individual humans. Corporations, for example, have held personhood status for centuries, allowing them to own property, enter contracts, and face legal consequences. Dr. Siamak Goudarzi’s book, The Emergence of Virtual Person, explores how this established legal framework could now be applied to AI entities, or “Virtual…

  • The Moral Maze of Virtual Persons: Should Machines Have Rights?

    As AI technology progresses, it challenges us to confront a critical question: Should machines have rights? Dr. Siamak Goudarzi’s book, The Emergence of Virtual Person, addresses this complex issue head-on, presenting a vision where Virtual Persons—AI entities with distinct identities and potential legal status—could hold certain rights and responsibilities. But the question of rights for…

  • I want a robot neighber and who do dayli work

    As AI technology grows more sophisticated, Virtual Persons—AI entities with their own distinct identities—are no longer a distant possibility but an emerging presence in our everyday lives. In his book, The Emergence of Virtual Person, Dr. Siamak Goudarzi introduces us to this revolutionary concept, showing how Virtual Persons are starting to take on meaningful roles…

  • Can AI Have Rights? The Case for Recognizing Virtual Persons

      As AI technology advances, it challenges us to reconsider our traditional definitions of rights, autonomy, and even personhood. At the forefront of this evolving dialogue is the idea of the “Virtual Person,” an AI entity with the potential to possess distinct legal and ethical rights. Dr. Siamak Goudarzi explores this transformative concept in his…

  • From Sci-Fi to Reality: How Virtual Persons Are Shaping the Future

      For decades, the concept of digital beings with independent identities was confined to the pages of sci-fi novels and futuristic movies. Yet, as AI continues to evolve, this fiction is rapidly becoming reality. Introducing a groundbreaking concept, Dr. Siamak Goudarzi’s book, The Emergence of Virtual Person, explores how Virtual Persons—AI entities with their own…

  • Virtual Persons 101: Why Your Next Colleague Could Be a Digital Entity

      As AI technology advances at lightning speed, the lines between digital tools and human colleagues are beginning to blur. Picture a future where your next colleague isn’t human but a digital entity with distinct rights, responsibilities, and even legal personhood. This isn’t just science fiction—it’s a concept rapidly gaining ground as a new category…